Thursday, November 18, 2010

Smokeless, Portable and Mountable Fireplaces

Create ambience in any room of your house. These modern smokeless and ventless fireplaces use bioethanol fuel which means they are less harmful for the environment, you or your family. It is not alcohol or gasoline. They contain resevoirs where you pour the smokeless fuel. Then use a long lighter to light, such as the type you use for your barbeque.  They come with a cylinder that slides over the top of the reservoir to put out the fire. They are easily mounted to any wall, but be sure you hire someone who knows what he/she is doing. Although they are  a lot less dangerous than traditional fireplaces, they are wall mounted which means they need to be securely installed on a stud. Talk about instant date night environment. They come in a plethora of sizes ranging in price from $200 up to $2,000  plus. Models shown above are $1,800.  A definitie must have for any design fanatic.  

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