Tuesday, January 11, 2011

MOD Pets

Wow! It has been a longggggggggggggggg time since I posted. Life has taken several turns and most recently for the better. So, hello again and I promise not to be away so long again.

So, let's start this week off with a furry bang. There are a whole slew of fabulous design conscience products for your fuzzy little friends.This week I will introduce you to some must haves for your favorite pooch or feline. One such item is this feline or canine abode...I love this piece! I am sure Alex (my cat) would find this quite suitable for her divaness.......This one is definitely for the MODern feline with a big budget..But, hey, there is nothing too good for our fuzzy friends..It comes in wenge (shown), bamboo, aluminum, cherry and maple.

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